
If you own, or have previously owned works of art including editioned prints by Ethel Spowers or Eveline Syme, please contact us. All correspondence is treated with the utmost confidentiality and privacy. We are happy to assist in identifying works of art in institutional and private collections.

A descendent of Ethel Spowers, John Keats has worked with the leading auctioneers in the Australian art auction industry for over 20 years. He has researched and catalogued thousands of works of art going to market and appreciates the importance of accurately identifying works and tracing their provenance and exhibition history. With a direct family connection with the artist Ethel Spowers, John felt it was important to accurately record, document, archive and compile a catalogue raisonné of the works of art by Ethel Spowers. Eveline Syme is inextricably linked with Ethel Spowers, with both being close socially and artistically, despite their families being from rival newspaper empires. The artistic synergy between the two artists has extended the research to include works by Eveline Syme for a catalogue raisonné of her works.

Highly respected in the art industry, John Keats has experience in handling works of art, and became Senior Executive Officer with one of the leading international auction houses, with a focus in sales, marketing and public relations. His early career focused on the cataloguing of works, including their care and associated logistics in handling, he later developed skills in programme event management, academic research, writing reports and business proposals, press releases, overseeing and contributing content for catalogues, copyrighting and publishing email/marketing campaigns and content to websites.

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© John G. Keats